Tom has 3 more booklets to do and he is finished! Everything else is already glued in. He is really do nice work. He really dislikes to write but this he enjoys. I'm starting to make him do short little reports in his lapbooks. I do believe there was only one in this volcano lapbook. Oh, he also dislikes art, alot. So I'm trying to get him to use alot of color when he is gluing the booklets in. He did a black background with red, yellow, and orange behind the booklets. I'll try to post everything tonight or by the latest tomorrow.
NOW POSTED***Beginning Volcano Posts with books, websites, etc.***

Below, Meant to say A strip of paper slipped under the timeline booklet so that the booklet will not come undone and fall all over the place.

Hi this is my first time visiting your blog, is lovely eith tons of information, do you have a list of all the lapbooks made by you and where to located them,
thanks so much
I thought Tommy did a GREAT job! This is our first year home schooling and I appreciate that you took the time to share your work examples.
Thanks again,
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