Monday, November 30, 2009

Body Lapbook

This is from the "My Body" book. The last picture should be the first but I posted them the wrong way.
Bottom board ... this velcros to the top board. This way they can be taken apart and folded up. This does work well and it is more sturdy than butcher paper.

Top display board ... The intestines lift up to slide to other board under. I will be putting velcro on this. The face folds down to see the brain.

We used 2 display boards...found at the dollar store.
We will probably be adding some other things to the board. I have other body craft books to use.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What's Been Going On Here

Tom is still working on Henry the VIII. Which I really think should be called "The Tudor's" Lapbook. He also has been watching movies on John Hus (before King Henry VIII), William, Tyndale, and Martin Luther. This has helped him place the people in the right time area. He has also watched the Drive Thru (American) History Series.

We also started making the explorer booklets which he has cut and glued the little maps, faces, and names on each small booklet. He has read many pirate books. This will be an explorer/pirate lapbook. I will list all the books and websites at another time.

Katie and Ana had stopped working on their world lapbook. (Katie and I were just talking about this and we will get working on this soon)

Katie had been so distracted that I had made the decision (with Ed's ok) to put her on medication. Just want to say that alot of people are against medicaion BUT, she has been on the wheat/gluten/casein free diet, off of many foods, and off of dyes. This helped very much (still doing all of this) but I decided she needed the meds. It has helped tremendously to say the least. She loves math now and can do many pages in a day compared to not even 1/2 page. She is doing phonics...not her favorite subject but still does it. ~smile~ I think it is very boring to her. She can concentrate so much more and do things that she loves..."crafting"!

This week we started "My Body" book. The girls love it. They are almost done coloring all the body parts and we have started putting them together. They are not being glued on paper. I have the large science fair foldable boards (like a very large lapbook) which I will velcro together and their bodies have been traced on them. I will show you a picture later.

Have a great night and I will work on getting the picture on. ~smile~